Why You Shouldn't Attempt Possum Removal Yourself

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Why You Shouldn't Attempt Possum Removal Yourself

Why You Shouldn't Attempt Possum Removal Yourself

18 January 2017
, Blog

Possums are an enormous nuisance when they move into your home. They're noisy, they can attract rats, they sometimes bring fleas with them and they've been known to bite--so if one decides to live with you, it's important to move it along as quickly as possible!

Should the need arise, however, it's essential that you hire a professional possum removal company rather than attempting to evict the unwanted houseguest personally. Read on to learn a little more about why this is, and why it's not usually a good idea to move on possums DIY-style.

So what's the problem with dealing with them alone?

In Adelaide and South Australia, possums fall under the protection of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 and the Animal Welfare Act 1985--meaning that, from a legal perspective, removing a possum from your own property is not at all straightforward.

The only way you can do it is by trapping it in a cage and then releasing it into the wild. Possum cages can be expensive, and they're not always effective; in addition to this, there are good reasons not to want to get too close to a caged possum! They're more likely to choose to attack if they're scared, and proximity could allow fleas to latch onto you. It's illegal to kill the possum, and there are stringent guidelines governing relocation.

The trouble is, possums are home-loving animals and their first instinct is going to be to return to where they came from. This means that unless you've thoroughly possum-proofed your house--which can be difficult to do alone, especially when you're not sure what you're looking for--the possum will simply come back indoors!

There's got to be a better solution!

Thankfully, there is. A professional possum removal company can take the stress out of dealing with the fluffy marsupials: they'll be able to help you figure out exactly how possums are getting in and out of your home, and stop those methods of entry up in ways possums can't easily get around. They'll also bring their own traps with them and set them themselves, before returning once the possum has been caught to make sure it's released safely and in the proper way.

Possums might be annoying and they can cause problems, but they're ultimately peaceful animals and it's important to treat them with the respect and gentleness they need. By hiring a professional possum removal firm, you're ensuring a happy and healthy future for yourself and the possum alike!

About Me
Buying a retirement villa for my grandma

My grandma has just moved to Australia. Unfortunately, even though she sold her home in South Africa before she moved here, she doesn't have enough money for her own home. We have been looking at all sorts of options for her to be able to live independently, and we settled on a retirement villa as the best option for her. When you start looking at different retirement villages you start to see the differences in the facilities at the different villages. This blog talks about the process of choosing a retirement villa and shows how we found the perfect place for my grandma.
